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April 6, 2007


Prague, Czechoslovakia.

Presenter in the framework of the Leonardo 40th anniversary celebrations concerned with current directions in art and science.

Joining international conference presenters with essay/text, Bacteria, Geology and Blood, based on artworks exploring themes of developmental biology and evolutionary symbiosis.

MutaMorphosis: Challenging Arts and Sciences International Conference organised by CIANT as part of the Leonardo 40th anniversary celebrations.

The conference exploring the major mutations that are affecting the future of our world. Artists, scientists and researchers will present papers on the evolution of life and the societies they constitute, and on modes of knowledge, expression and communication of humans, animals and other forms of life.

The event will concentrate on the growing interest -- within the worlds of the arts, sciences and technologies -- in EXTREME AND HOSTILE ENVIRONMENTS. These environments appear as symptomatic indicators of the mutations that are taking place; they are potential vectors that make possible an awareness of the different problems at the origin of the disturbances that threaten the ensemble of the Earth’s eco-systems.

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